Unser Haushaltssortiment wurde entwickelt, um maximale Effizienz bei geringster Umweltbelastung zu erzielen. Der Einsatz modernster Technologie macht den Unterschied im Design dieser Erdwärmepumpen aus. Sie sind umweltfreundlich und einfach zu installieren. Entdecken Sie die beiden Konfigurationen: Clausius Classic und Clausius Elite, die an Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst werden können.

Holen Sie das Beste aus der unterirdischen Energie Ihres Hauses heraus, dank unserer Classic Clausius-Erdwärmepumpe, die speziell für die bedarfsgerechte Kombination mit ACS-Tanks mit beliebiger Kapazität entwickelt wurde. Optional sind Modelle mit aktivem und passivem Kühlsystem erhältlich das ganze Jahr über ein optimales Komforterlebnis zu bieten.

  • Wechselrichtertechnologie
  • Leistungsbereiche von 1-8 kW, 3-15 kW und 5-25 kW
  • Dreiphasen- oder Einphasenstromversorgung

Patentierte Technologie, die 200 Liter Warmwasser bis zu 80/85 ºC ohne elektrische Heizung garantiert. Mit den Clausius Elite-Modellen passen wir uns Ihren Bedürfnissen an und gewährleisten maximale Effizienz und Integration auf kleinstem Raum. Finden Sie die Konfiguration, die Ihren Erwartungen am besten entspricht.

  • Warmwasserbereitung bis 85 ºC, patentiertes System
  • Wechselrichtertechnologie
  • Leistungsbereiche von 1-10 kW, 3-15 kW und 5-25 kW
  • Dreiphasen- und Einphasenstromversorgung


Modell kombiniert werden folgende Optionen:


All models with classic and elite configuration are also available in white finish.

Deposits with desuperheater

CLAUSIUS DHW tanks with desuperheater have been specially designed for use with the Classic models and incorporate the same DHW production system as in the Elite configuration. The combination of Classic models with DHW tanks with desuperheater allows the DHW production at temperatures up to 80/85 ºC without electrical heaters.

Classic models combined with CLAUSIUS DHW tanks with desuperheater include all connection and control elements of the system and are delivered pre-charged with refrigerant and quick connections.

The capacities of the CLAUSIUS DHW tanks with desuperheater available are 250, 300 and 500 liters. The use of these tanks with Classic models enables us to have large volumes of DHW at high temperature and to have a significant increasing of the domestic hot water amount available for use in the home. The use of a tank of 500 liters with ACS at 80 ºC allows to obtain more than 1000 liters of hot water for domestic use at 38 ºC.

CLAUSIUS CLASSIC with desuperheater

Advance control

The unique CLAUSIUS “Advance Control system” has been specifically designed by CLAUSIUS and can be incorporated on demand in all models of the domestic range, increasing its functionality and allowing the management of complex installations, and CLAUSIUS Air source Systems and CLAUSIUS Hybrid System.

CLAUSIUS Advance Control system incorporates all the functionalities of the CLAUSIUS Standard control system. Furthermore, adds the features that are detailed below.

  • Control of 5 mixing groups.
  • Independent control of 6 zones with heating and cooling thermostats.
  • Control of the DHW recirculation system.
  • Control of 3 electrical heaters of up to 3 kW each.
  • Control with flow switches in both brine and heating circuits.
  • Simultaneous use of Th-tunes, Internet Kit and Data Acquisition Kit.
  • Indoor temperature and humidity measurements.
  • Communication with home automation systems with signals on/off, winter/summer and independent activation of heating and DHW.
  • Control of bivalent systems through on-off of the complementary system.
  • Control of up to 14 cascade heat pumps.
  • Control of the heat pump combined with photovoltaic systems.
  • Control of simultaneous heating and cooling production system.
  • Control of the CLAUSIUS Air Source System.
  • Control of the CLAUSIUS Hybrid system.

CLAUSIUS Air system

Heating systems with ground source heat pumps have many advantages comparing to systems with air source heat pumps and are more efficient and reliable. However, in some cases it may not be possible to install a ground collector system due to space limitations or other legislative restrictions, so only in these cases is it recommended to use systems with air source heat pumps.

Clausius air source system (CLAUSIUS Air System) is based on maintaining all the advantages of ground source systems, replacing only the ground collector system by a simple, efficient, reliable, robust and long-lasting air collector system.

CLAUSIUS Air System uses the same CLAUSIUS ground source heat pumps combined with an external air unit (CLAUSIUS Air Source), specially designed and tested by CLAUSIUS, in which the energy that is available in the air is extracted for its input to the heat pump.

CLAUSIUS Air Source external unit transfers the energy captured from the air to the heat pump through a closed circuit in which glycol is recirculated using the circulation pumps integrated in the heat pumps, the same as in the ground source systems. Therefore, CLAUSIUS Air System is based on a very simple and reliable installation since the circulation of refrigerant is not required between the air unit located outside and the heat pump located inside the house, which would require the installation by highly qualified personnel and reduces the reliability of the system due to possible leaks of high pressure refrigerant in the pipes.

Furthermore, compared to systems with compact air source heat pumps, which components are outdoors exposed to weather elements, and therefore, subject to inclement weather, CLAUSIUS air system has the advantage that only the air unit is on the outside meanwhile all the other components are located inside the house protected from the elements and weather exposure, which, with no doubt increases considerably its reliability and useful life.

CLAUSIUS Air system

Hybrid system

CLAUSIUS ground source heat pumps can be used in hybrid geothermal-aerothermal systems, in which ground and air collector systems are integrated in the same installation. Hybrid systems allow to obtain the advantages of both systems, avoiding their major drawbacks, such as the low efficiency of the air source due to the reduction of the outside temperature and the high cost of the ground collector systems.

CLAUSIUS heat pumps include a specific control for hybrid systems. The control of the heat pump selects in each moment the operating conditions providing the maximum possible energy efficiency by distributing the glycol flow optimally between the ground and air collectors, obtaining maximum efficiency in the heating system at any time.

Ground recharge

CLAUSIUS hybrid systems allow to recharge the energy in the field when the outside temperature is high and heating in the home is not required, by transferring the heat energy captured in the air collector system and its dissipation in the ground through the ground collector.

The ground is recharged at a very low cost allowing to use it as an energy storage system. The energy stored is subsequently recovered through the ground collector system for its input to the house through the heating system.

CLAUSIUS Hybrid system


Häuslicherbereich, CLASSIC & ELITE

Der höchste COP auf dem Markt, den eine vom Austrian Institute of Technology nach EN14511 zertifizierte Inverter-Erdwärmepumpe aus dem Jahr 2015 erreicht.

Copeland Inverter-Technologie und Scroll-Kompressoren mit Inverter-Wärmerückgewinnung, die Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit verbessern.

Alfa Laval asymmetrische Plattenwärmetauscher, die derzeit effizienteste Wärmetauschertechnologie.

Carel elektronisches Expansionsventil für eine genaue Kontrolle des Kältemittelflusses im Verdampfer. Wilo-Hocheffizienzpumpen mit variabler Drehzahl (Klasse A) für eine optimale Durchflussregelung sowohl im Solekreislauf als auch im Heizkreislauf.


Zugänglichkeit. Neues Liftöffnungssystem (patentiert), das einen einfachen Zugang zu allen Komponenten im Gerät ermöglicht.



Neues Warmwasser-Produktionssystem bis 80/85 ºC ohne elektrische Heizungen (patentiertes System). Es ist keine spezielle Behandlung gegen Legionellen erforderlich.


newFrio Calor

Integrierte Heizung, aktive und passive Kühlung. Steuerung mit Vorrang für passive Kühlung, um maximale Effizienz bei Kühlprozessen zu erzielen.


Minimaler Schallpegel. Spezifisches Schallschutzsystem für den Kompressor und das Kältemodul. Verwendung unterschiedlicher Isolationsmaterialien zur Dämpfung höherer Frequenzbereiche.

All-in-One-Design und Plug & Play-Installation. In allen Modellen integrierte Umwälzpumpen, Ausdehnungsgefäße, Sicherheits- und Ablassventile. Bereit zur Installation.

Einfache und kompakte Installation. Bei einem Wechselrichtersystem ist die Verwendung von Pufferspeichern nicht erforderlich, sodass die Installation sehr einfach und platzsparend ist und die Installations- und Montagekosten sinken.

Neue Kontrollstrategien. Effizientere, zuverlässigere und sicherere Installationen. Online-Überwachung und Inspektion. Fernzugriff, vorbeugende Wartung und höhere Zuverlässigkeit.